VFD Clock 8 - a clock
Universal clock kit
Tube board V1.08a
Tube board V1.08d
Tube board V1.08e
Clock kit V1.06
Clock kit V1.06 IN-18
Black Brilliance 'BD'
Black Brilliance 'LBS''
Black Brilliance Temp'n'Glow
2 tubes
4 tubes
6 tubes

Scopeuhr Projekt

If you want to know about the sope clock project please follow this link. You can buy a programmed pic for the scope clock project . Please email me.

Here [352 KB] is a video of the scope clock running.

Scope clock gallery

Click here to see the gallery.

70th projects

Here are the scans of a nixieclock from 1969 taken from the "Funkschau" 1969. I also made a complete pdf document [6.806 KB] with all the scans in one document.

The clock shown here is an old ATLAS SECONDO from 1972.
Pictures of the original have now been published. I was lucky to buy the original one.

What a great design!


Atlas Secondo from 1972

Click here to see the gallery.

Sidelit Display

The sidelit displays
These used sheets of thin glass, each having an engraved pattern of 'dimples' which lit up when light was shone into the edge of the glass sheet.
Here is a video of my 4 digit sidelit display clock, using 4 ultra bright blue LEDs. It is driven by my clock kit using a lot of transistors.
The digits are fading.


Giant LED clock

Big 7-Segment clock - it was a present by Thomas Scherrer.I made a wooden case for it. Now it really looks great. Thanks Thomas.

LED clock

Click here to see the gallery.
